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Investors Investment Opportunities
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Investors, Investing, and Co-production
We work with investors that realize the potential of funding films, TV Series, & Documentary and that each may be the next blockbuster indie success. EnVus Worldwide Entertainment, LLC is committed to developing and producing low-cost, high-quality, commercial films that will attract talent. We have has the expertise and ability to develop, produce and finance films on its own. With our executives’ expertise in domestic and international co-productions to best access production subsidies, funding scenarios, tax-incentive production funding and other tax shelters. This will reduce hard production costs as well as the overall risk associated with equity investment into films.
We pride ourselves on honesty and our ability to structure unique funding scenarios and solutions that are not available in the traditional lending + investment arena, we create not only a film but a brand that will result in success.
There is no business with capital entry requirements as low as motion pictures + Television production industry when it comes to the potential returns that can be realized over short, medium and long-term release strategies.
Worldwide we have become a leisure-based society. With the growing demand for motion pictures + television entertainment becomes technologically easier and easier to distribute there is a growing demand for more products every month to satisfy the growing desire for new content.
Today there is a much more lucrative release avenue available than the traditional Theatrical/TV models of past decades. This has increase ancillary revenues streams for potential investors and generating fast and larger profit returns. New Media technologies allow faster and better content distribution to emerge.
Investment opportunities exist at both the individual and corporate level. Units of investment are currently being offered on current and future projects. Those individuals and corporations interested in receiving information for investing in current or future projects should contact us for more information.
Investors Investment Projects | Opportunities
Protected: $45 Million Entertainment FUND | EnVus Worldwide Ent. LLC
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Protected: Action Film | A – List Talent attached | 50% funded
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Protected: Romantic Comedy Movie | $6 million USD – 30% funded
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About Us
EnVus Worldwide Entertainment, LLC is a Motion Picture & Television, licensing, distribution, and production company: An emerging entertainment distribution, production, producing, and licensing companies which focus on Motion Picture industry & CGI Film industry, Home Entertainment, media, publishing, Syndicating Series, TV Channels, & more. READ MORE >